[NTLK] SimpleMail, IMAP and other stuffs

From: Alexander Andrade Lećo (alexleao_at_mpcnet.com.br)
Date: Mon Jan 21 2002 - 11:52:18 EST

Hi Guys,

-1) I started using SimpleMail to retrieve emails from an IMAP account. But
the emails came without headers (?). Looks like a commom text not an email.

Is this normal? I can't reply this messages, for example, because there
aren't subjects or sender info...

-2) What is the difference between POP and IMAP, if we can leave a copy of
messages in a POP server and retrieve these emails from other computer, just
like IMAP?

-3) I have 3 accounts in SimpleMail "sender" list, but the SimpleMail only
send from the first one... ;^(

Thx any info.

:: Alex Leao ::

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