[NTLK] Exporting via NCU

From: Stephen Swift (aka Burnum) (burnum_at_mac.com)
Date: Mon Jan 21 2002 - 12:13:46 EST


I write a lot of notes on my Newton 120 and then send it to my Mac. This
normally works fine, but today when I tried to export some notes (text
only), it started sending the file and then all of a sudden it beeped and
stopped the export (I send a file at a time). When I opened the file, all =
found was the info (title, date, folder, etc). I've tried notes that have
exported perfectly before, and they don't work either. Finally, I backed u=
all my notes, and then extracted the text via BBEdit. Arg. Does anyone
have a clue why I can't export anymore? Thanks!

Stephen Swift =BF' The Burnum Man

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