On Monday, January 21, 2002, at 02:37 PM, Eckhart Koeppen wrote:
> Jim Richter wrote:
>> 2) I can always connect via AppleTalk while booted in OS 9.2. Can't
>> do
>> it at all in OSX.1. It seems that I would have to make a wireless
>> connection within Classic.
> I'm not sure about this, but doesn't OS X only do AppleTalk over IP?
> From any non-OS X machine, I cannot use the Network Browser, instead I
> have to enter the IP address of the OS X AppleTalk server...
> Eckhart
I know if you connect via AppleTalk through OSX you do have to enter an
IP number. However, in OSX.1, when I connect to NCU through my 2100's
ethernet card while running classic, it just connects without entering
any IP number. My 3COM ethernet card's set up just consists of me
naming the setup, choosing the PC card, and setting the configuration to
manual. When I connect to NCU (while in OSX.1), the Newton just
connects through AppleTalk within Classic.
I know that in 10.1 Apple changed Appletalk to requiring IP addresses,
but the Newton doesn't connect that way with NCU.
One thing I found at the Apple discussion site, is that Classic Apps get
their Airport information from what has been set up in 10.1. In the
Classic AppleTalk control panel, you have to make sure AppleTalk is set
to the "Ethernet Slot 1" port to do any wireless networking with
Classic apps. This slot 1 port is the AirPort internal card. I, of
course, did this and still got not connection with the WaveLan card.
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