On 1/21/02 11:46 AM, "Jim Richter" <paparichter_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Jim, I have tried it again, and again I have failed.
>> I think I need exact information regarding the settings within the
>> Newton.
>> Where do I tell the Newton about the IP, subnet etc.?
>> Do I have to tell it the iBook's AirPort ID? (The iBook knows the Lucent
>> Card's ID)
>> I just found something within the Newtons "Internet" settings that
>> allowed
>> me to enter such information, but I don't want internet, I want to
>> dock...
>> Is there anything else I have t do on the iBook apart from aktivating
>> the
>> computer to computer network?
>> I run AP1.3.1, but have 1.2 available. I just don't think it's a good
>> idea
>> to downgrade my system before I know what to set where.
>> Oliver :)
> Actually it's just must simpler than I thought it was.
> 1) Install the Lucent WaveLan driver
> 2) Put your PCMCIA card in your Newton.
> 3) A dialog box pops up on the Newton identifying the WaveLan Pc Card.
> Check the AppleTalk box in the left hand corner.
> 4) Go to Internet Setup and create a new Generic set up. Name it
> Wireless or something like that.
> 5) In the setup, choose a manual configuration (vs. DHCP)
> 6) Hit continue, for the page with all the TCP/IP stuff, just leave it
> blank. You're going to be connecting via AppleTalk.
> 7) Open up NCU. Under preferences, choose AppleTalk connection.
> 8) Make sure Appletalk is turned on on your Mac. Under the AppleTalk
> control panel, make sure AppleTalk is set to Airport. Open up TCP/IP
> control panel and make sure it's set to Airport. Make sure File Sharing
> is turned on.
> 9) Open up the Airport utility. Under Network choice, choose computer
> to computer.
> 10) Open up the Dock app on the Newton. Choose connect by AppleTalk.
> Where it gives the name of the computer, click on it and choose "other
> computer" so it can look for your AppleTalk engaged computer. Your
> Mac's name should pop up. Select that name and hit connect. You should
> get a firm connection with AppleTalk.
> Several things I've found:
> 1) I haven't figured out how to make a TCP/IP connection with the
> WaveLan card. The driver's website says that the driver has worked to
> create both AppleTalk and TCP/IP connections. I can do the former, but
> not the latter.
> 2) I can always connect via AppleTalk while booted in OS 9.2. Can't do
> it at all in OSX.1. It seems that I would have to make a wireless
> connection within Classic. I'm not a networking guy and someone else
> can definitely correct/educate me, but the Newton needs an desktop
> application running which will be monitoring for some connection by the
> Newton. In NCU you can check either serial or AppleTalk. For our
> Ethernet connections, we choose AppleTalk. Well, the way Classic runs
> in OSX.1, it recognizes ethernet connections via the built in ethernet
> port, but it doesn't recognize connections via Airport. Under OS 9.2,
> if you have Airport installed, Airport is an option in the AppleTalk
> control panel. The option is not available if you access that some
> control panel when running classic within OSX.1. It would seem if we
> had a carbonized/cocoa-created OSX application listening for that Newton
> connection, we'd be able to connect wirelessly. But we can't do it
> through OSX.1 to get connect with NCU. Our Ethernet connections in
> OSX.1 with NCU are apparently through classic, not OSX.1.
> 3) I have also been able to connect via AppleTalk with Thomas
> Templemann's RealBasic-created Newton DIL Tester, which was a cool
> application which besides installing packages, also allowed you to
> peruse your soups, enter NewtonScripts etc. This application does run
> in Classic and you can connect via ethernet. Under OS 9.2, you can also
> connect wirelessly through Airport.
> Of note is Templemann's implementation of connecting via TCP/IP. I
> haven't been able to get the Newton to connect wirelessly through TCP/IP.
> Templemann provides the RealBasic source file for download. I toy
> around with RealBasic, but I'm no programmer. Couldn't someone with a
> little no how, take his source file (which he has made available for
> free providing that whoever improves the file distributes the app for
> free) and carbonize it? In RealBasic, carbonizing an App for OSX usage
> is as simple as clicking the "OSX/Carbon" toggle. I tried doing this,
> but I get an error where it doesn't recognize one of the objects he
> created. Maybe another can download it and work with it a little. We
> could possibly have a carbonized app to let us connect natively in OSX.
> The URL is: http://www.tempel.org/newton/
> 4) You can't do large (2MB or more) wireless transfers. Yesterday my
> connection peetered out when trying to backup a 32Meg card. I did some
> looking on the net, and apparently 2Megs is the limit. I think I read
> this in regards to Infra-red transfer. Could be wrong.
> Otherwise it's a solid stable connection in OS 9.2. I'm using Airport
> 1.2 (though version shouldn't matter as long as it's a computer to
> computer network while booted in OS9.2).
> Sorry for being longwinded. Just trying to answer some of the questions
> posed. Kinda of difficult when you're more of a designer, than a
> computer programmer/IT/technician type guy.
> Jim R.
Sorry about this, but WHERE do I find the driver for the Lucent Wavelan?
When I went to to unna.org the driver is actually for a different lucent
When I put my silver orinoco in the Newton, its unrecognised.
Is there actually a wavelan driver somewhere?
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