Re: [NTLK] Airport on Newton

From: Oliver Brose (
Date: Mon Jan 21 2002 - 17:11:45 EST

> Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:46:55 -0600
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Airport on Newton
> From: Jim Richter <>
> Actually it's just must simpler than I thought it was.
> 1) Install the Lucent WaveLan driver
> 2) Put your PCMCIA card in your Newton.
> 3) A dialog box pops up on the Newton identifying the WaveLan Pc Card.
> Check the AppleTalk box in the left hand corner.
> 4) Go to Internet Setup and create a new Generic set up. Name it
> Wireless or something like that.
> 5) In the setup, choose a manual configuration (vs. DHCP)
> 6) Hit continue, for the page with all the TCP/IP stuff, just leave it
> blank. You're going to be connecting via AppleTalk.
> 7) Open up NCU. Under preferences, choose AppleTalk connection.
> 8) Make sure Appletalk is turned on on your Mac. Under the AppleTalk
> control panel, make sure AppleTalk is set to Airport. Open up TCP/IP
> control panel and make sure it's set to Airport. Make sure File Sharing
> is turned on.

BTW, do I have to import the WLAN ID to FileSharing, or does it just have to
be active?

> 9) Open up the Airport utility. Under Network choice, choose computer
> to computer.
> 10) Open up the Dock app on the Newton. Choose connect by AppleTalk.
> Where it gives the name of the computer, click on it and choose "other
> computer" so it can look for your AppleTalk engaged computer. Your
> Mac's name should pop up. Select that name and hit connect. You should
> get a firm connection with AppleTalk.

Hmm, very clear description, but it still does not work.
The Newton keeps searching forever. At first, the WLAN LED is very nervous,
and after about half a minute it gets tired and flashes only occasionally.

This may still be due to my AirPort 1.3.1, I will try 1.2 tomorrow.

Thank you very much,

Oliver :)

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