[NTLK] Followup - Layout problem with BookMaker

From: Gruendel, Frank 3837 S-WF-RD6 (Frank.Gruendel_at_de.heidelberg.com)
Date: Tue Jan 22 2002 - 07:32:42 EST

>> I have read tfm for the last 2 hours, but didn't find anything to
>> either control the number of text lines per page or any other way to
>> prevent this annoying behavior.

> The problems you are having is probably due to a font mismatch: do you
> have the _bitmap_ version of NewYork, Geneva, etc. installed? They
> should be included with BookMaker (or NewtonPress).

I *think* I do, but I'm not sure. Most fonts in the windows fonts folder
have the extension "ttf" which I assume means they are TrueType fonts.
The espy font has the extension "fon". This certainly means it is *not*
a TrueType font, but I don't know if this means it's a bitmap font.
Is it??



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