Re: [NTLK] exporting notes, take 2

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Tue Jan 22 2002 - 09:02:25 EST

at the temporal coordinates: 1/21/02 11:50 PM, the entity known as Rhonda
Hyslop <rhonda_at_paradox.null> at conveyed the

> On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Jon Glass wrote:
>>> Does anybody know if this limitation is in the rtf format, NCU, or the
>>> newton itself, and if there is any way of working around it? This whole
>>> business of selecting everything then checking to see what was actually
>>> exported is kind of annoying, and I have a lot of notes I want to back up
>>> in a readable format.
>> Can you export the notes as individual files in RTF? If so, that might get
>> around this limitation you found.
> Wouldn't that take a lot longer, and leave a lot more RTF files around?
> Or am I misunderstanding your suggestion?
> I'm trying to export approximately (3-6 notes per hour of class) * (3
> hours of class per week) * (12 weeks per term) * (13 courses) - and
> ideally that would be 13 big RTF files (one for each course). Based on
> the one course I've half-exported so far, I'm looking at about 6 files per
> course, with the 1Mb limit.

Just a suggestion, but if you did it by the week, then you could file it by
week in a notebook, along with any other work you did for class that week.

(In other words, turn lemons to lemonade...)

- Eric.


Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^

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