Re: [NTLK] Exmachina Terminal Program

From: Brian (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 10:15:32 EST

>Does anyone know where one can buy/get a copy of PocketCall? All the
>links I find are 404.
>Does anyone have one they want to sell/share?

Which version to you want? And what NOS are you wanting to use a vt100
term with?

Google gave this Tucows link for the version 2.1.2 (I think it's also on
AMUG in a couple other versions):
It's a 30 min (total) connection demo. NOS 1.3 and 2.0 versions enclosed
in that download. I tracked down one of the Pocketcall authors and he
(unofficially) gave me a key for me to use (I tried it a bit but pt100 was
so much better I bought pt100). This was about 2.5 years ago, maybe just
over 3. Where does time go???

I used unix shell exclusively for about 1 year with my MPs (from OMP on up)
since 1.3 can't do PPP. I played a lot with all the vt100 terms. (OK,
with the 1.3 NOS machines I was mostly using GoFetch Shell to send mail
since the vt100 term progs didn't work well).

For 1.3 and earlier, the only app that seemed fast enough to be WORKABLE as
well as functional was EZConnect, it was pretty snappy. but the author of
that has been gone (and untraceable as far as I could find) for ages- and
without registering his demo is just about useless (a limit of 5 carriage
returns). The 1.3 Pocketcall I believe I found problematic, but it's been
a long time.

pt100 is by far the best on 2.x newtons,, and they still
reply to emails.

Hope that gets you going!


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