Re: [NTLK] Exmachina Terminal Program

From: Mike Hamende (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 10:43:53 EST

Thanks for your advice.

I have NOS 1x and 2x machines I want to use it with.


Brian wrote:

>>Does anyone know where one can buy/get a copy of PocketCall? All the
>>links I find are 404.
>>Does anyone have one they want to sell/share?
>Which version to you want? And what NOS are you wanting to use a vt100
>term with?
>Google gave this Tucows link for the version 2.1.2 (I think it's also on
>AMUG in a couple other versions):
>It's a 30 min (total) connection demo. NOS 1.3 and 2.0 versions enclosed
>in that download. I tracked down one of the Pocketcall authors and he
>(unofficially) gave me a key for me to use (I tried it a bit but pt100 was
>so much better I bought pt100). This was about 2.5 years ago, maybe just
>over 3. Where does time go???
>I used unix shell exclusively for about 1 year with my MPs (from OMP on up)
>since 1.3 can't do PPP. I played a lot with all the vt100 terms. (OK,
>with the 1.3 NOS machines I was mostly using GoFetch Shell to send mail
>since the vt100 term progs didn't work well).
>For 1.3 and earlier, the only app that seemed fast enough to be WORKABLE as
>well as functional was EZConnect, it was pretty snappy. but the author of
>that has been gone (and untraceable as far as I could find) for ages- and
>without registering his demo is just about useless (a limit of 5 carriage
>returns). The 1.3 Pocketcall I believe I found problematic, but it's been
>a long time.
>pt100 is by far the best on 2.x newtons,, and they still
>reply to emails.
>Hope that gets you going!

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