Re: [NTLK] Emate NOS 2.2

From: Johannes Wolf (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 10:39:50 EST

Thank you, that was more or less my experience too, I did it even more rude with two MP2k ROM cards, one of them was damaged.

So at the end I am looking for a german ROM card fro trading in my US one...


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephanie Maks []
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Emate NOS 2.2

To remove a system patch from the eMate, I simply turn the emate off, unplug
it, remove the batteries, then remove the ROM card. Then I insert the ROM
card from my MP2x00 in the emate. Plug in the power adaptor. Press the
reset button a couple times. Press the power button a couple times. Then
unplug it. Take the ROM card out. Then put the eMate ROM card back in.
Put the batteries back in. Plug in the power adaptor. Press the reset
buttom. Press the power button. Wait. Try the reset button again. Reseat
the ROM card. Remove the batteries. Replace the batteries. Remove the AC
power. Replace the AC power. Feel a Bad Feeling in your stomach. Finaly
just put it away and wait for 2 days with stomach knotted in anxiety
wondering if it will ever work again. Plug in the AC again. Let out a big
sigh of relief when it finaly turns on.

To remove a system patch from the MP2x00, it's the same proceedure, I just
stuck the eMate ROM card in the MP2x00 and apply power. Then put the
correct ROM card back in. The MP2x00 came back after only about a minute of
anxious waiting.

Appearantly you can completely kill a newton by doing this if you are
unlucky. I got away with it once unscathed on the MP2100, and once with
some stress on the eMate so I think I'm done now. :)

Your mileage may vary.


> Could you please explain a bit more how you erased the system patch?
> Or do you mean the extension called syspatch?
> Johannes

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