Of course, my first reaction is "Why?"
Why do it, why attempt it? Why put that much effort in
such old-school technology? Its like saying, "hey, I
know...lets put a keyboard on a desktop computer".
What makes the Palm so popular (and the Newt still a
viable machine after all these years) is that someone
stoppd and developed something that never existed
before. Before Palm OS, there was nothing like it.
Before Newton OS, there was nothing like it. Putting
Linux on a PDA is so old-school, it's like "thinking
inside the box"
Come-on people...be aware of the box and make a
conscious effort to think outside it!
For instance, forget binary computing...how about
"trinary?" three states, on, off and maybe...Or forget
digital altogether (the human brain certainly isn't
What's important here is that development goes beyond
what the average person thinks is normal...
Linux indeed....
web/gadget guru
See my Newton on the web:
--- Chris Myers <cmyers_at_plumbrook.com> wrote:
> After trying to find pictures of a Next keyboard I
> happened to stumble
> on the Linux watch project at IBM.
> http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS4310967875.html
> Who says you can't fit Linux or Unix on a PDA?
> Just goes to show that the best stuff on the
> Internet is found by
> accident.
> Chris
Just because you're a genius, doesn't make you a smart guy!
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