Re: [NTLK] eMate troubles - Help, please

From: Paul Nuernberger (
Date: Fri Jan 25 2002 - 01:23:51 EST

IIRC the switch that puts the the unit to sleep when the lid closes is
somehow related to the hinge. Are you putting the unit to sleep by closing
the lid ? Also, check the preferences (in Extras Drawer) to see what the
sleep settings are.

It is likely that a disassembly will be ultimately required. I have been
fortunate with my eMate so far - only a crapped-out battery pack.

Paul Nuernberger

> From: Michael Blazer <>
> Hi all,
> I really hope some of you hardware gurus can help me here. After much
> looking, I finally found an eMate for my daughter. The seller demoed it at
> my office and everything seemed fine. The battery indicator showed a full
> charge and didn't dip at all after half an hour of playing around with the
> backlight on.
> Thanks for reading this far, and I hope someone can help me. My technical
> knowledge is quite shallow, but to anyone who can help me save this eMate, I
> offer lifetime support for all your quotation mark and apostrophe questions!
> I'm going to go read some more Holmes now to try to beef up my powers of
> deduction.
> Michael Blazer

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