Re: [NTLK] Mp3's and my eMate

From: Eckhart Koeppen (
Date: Fri Jan 25 2002 - 03:04:36 EST

Dave Caolo wrote:

> I just found this on the FAQ page:
> "There is currently an MP3 project to develop a player for the Newton OS"

Well yes, that would be me, working on a port of the MAD MP3 decoder.
The decoder itself is working and it converts MP3 frames to PCM samples
just nicely. It does however lose some accuracy due to the rusty NCT C++
compiler which doesn't understand 64 bit integers :( But Eric Schneck
(working on an iTunes plugin) has made some suggestions which I want to
try over the weekend.

The harder part is to put together some sort of framework which makes
the MP3 decoding available to applications. Right now, it is in a pretty
good shape and allows playback from memory as well as streams. There is
also a little app (besides an ugly test app) which will in the end be
the actual MP3 player. But the framework code should be reusabe. I know
that Brad Tober is working on the Newton Media Player which might make
use of the MP3 decoder as well.

There are only to big "but"s at the moment: Without extensive
optimization, only MP2x00's can handle realtime decoding. And the
streaming code has to make some compromises regarding network speed and
streaming buffer size...

I haven't given up hope on the eMate and older Newtons completely, but
it looks tough.

I'll keep you updated,


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