Re: [NTLK] Wireless Lan on Newton

From: Fred Buecker (
Date: Fri Jan 25 2002 - 11:39:25 EST

You misunderstand, I stated that the WAP, or Wireless Access Point,
doesn't matter. His Airport is broken and he's looking for a new one.
I'm using a D-Link DWL-1000 WAP and it works fine with both my Macs and
PeeCs. I just can't configure it or load updates from my Mac ;-)

The actual cards are going to be driver specific, that's why I threw out
that I have have two dofferent one available to me if he goes down one
of those roads. It's probably going to end up being the card that has
the lowest voltage reqs, IMHO.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Mantripp []
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 3:51 AM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Wireless Lan on Newton

I'm not sure that's entirely true. The Farallon & Lucent cards behave
differently, as least as far as the Mac OSs are concerned. The Lucent
shows up as an Airport card and needs no further support. The Farallon
needs its own driver and is not recognised as an Airport card. So there
must be some differences in the card hardware / firmware.

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Buecker []
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 11:30 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Wireless Lan on Newton

If I get in a position to help in any way, let me know. I'm no coder,
but I have a Farallon card in my wife's PB and a D-Link 650 in my PeeC,
I'll be happy to yank one and slap it in my 2100. What WAP you use
shouldn't make any difference as long as you follow the WiFi guidlines.


-----Original Message-----
From: Laurent Daudelin []
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Wireless Lan on Newton

On 24/01/02 15:01, "Fred Buecker" <> wrote:

> Good point. Now, is anyone trying to pick up with the driver where he
> left off? Making a new one for a different card? The current state of
> the driver is NOT worth running out and getting a silver Lucent card.
> Once there is a workable TCP/IP tie-in and transfers work no matter
> size, then we can start clearing shelves.

I started working on this. I even got his own source. However, the code
the files he used are somewhat different than the source used to build
Mac OS X driver for the same card (which isn't supported under OS X).
code comes from the Linux distribution.

So, I'm no expert, but I think I'll have to rewrite most of the code if
want the driver to support most recent versions of AirPort, not only
and I'm thinking that starting from Hiroshi's code wouldn't take me very

BTW, I have found somebody in my area which would sell me her AirPort
station for a FW enclosure and an undisclosed amount of money. I might
able to meet her this weekend for the trade. If so, I might be able to
resume work next week or so.

Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae Washington, DC, USA
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