Re: [NTLK] [OT] Avi's Backdrop wallpaper images

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 00:48:23 EST

It sickens me to see or hear, that a self proclaimed
group can call themselves "The Moral Majority" (which
it is neither) and dictate to the true majority its
own interpretation of right and wrong. Through out
history, this pseudo riteous group has demanded
obedience to their idea of "art". History is littered
with the carcass's of famous art destroyed and burned
by these puritans. In Victorian times, when people
were visiting th Egyptian ruins or the Pompei ruins,
sculptures and mosaics that had been standing for
thousands of years, depicting the god Osiris (god of
fertility, whose main distinction was an erect phalus)
were vandalized or destroyed because of what they
depicted. Works of art by the famous painter Boticelli
were also destroyed (Adam and Eve is one famous
survivor) either through the addition of leaves to
cover body parts or burned or destroyed in other ways
just to appease the puritanistic few.
I'm not a patron of the arts and am the exact oposite
of an artist. Yet, I can appreciate hard work and what
an artist is trying to portray with the art they may
create. While I may not agree with the artist, or even
like the art or even the medium, I have no quarels
with the art or the artist. Expression is interpreted
by the person observing.
Those who are offended are offensive to others and
just don't know it, those who claim that it's dirty
have a dirty mind.
Sorry for my diatribe.
web/gadget guru
come see my Newt on the web 25/8 (well mostly)

--- Robert Benschop <> wrote:
> on 27-01-2002 11:35, Laurent Daudelin at
> wrote:
> > Well, it doesn't make your work any bad, you know.
> I really like those
> > pictures, but just feel that I would be a little
> embarrassed, here, in the
> > conservative Virginia...
> Ah well, some puritans wanted to remove all pictures
> and paintings with
> nudity on them from the museums in the Toronto area
> a couple of years back,
> so it could be worse....
> Robert Benschop

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