Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 11:25:16 -0700
From: "Grant [Icosahedron] Hutchinson" <>
>I knew that the compilation of the book actually fixes the contents to a
>given page, but I forgot about that fact that the non-visible text would
>not be accessible. Doh. You know what might be a really cool solution to
>this and would avoid the page wrap issue? How about a zoom function? You
>would create a virtual page of the current book page that could be viewed
>at a different scale by zooming in or out.
>I have no idea how how you'd do that. Oh well.
From what I've seen on the newton, I still don't understand why the
Newton does not compute the size itself depending on the font size &
layout. It seems that the format the books are in the Newton is such
that blocks of data can be shared between pages.
OK, next time I'll watch OS X installing (I think I'll reinitialize
the disk this time) or during boring second semester lectures if any,
I'll look into how to do such a hack and I'll try to document the
book format.
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