Re: [NTLK] [OT] NCU-like software native MacOS X: what prevents it

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Jan 29 2002 - 11:25:34 EST

On 28/01/02 20:59, "Stephen Jendraszak" <> wrote:

>> I don't know what you call responsive, but I cannot really type to
>> write programs with CW6 in MacOS X (well, when it did not crash as
>> soon as System updates is launched).
> I am wondering whether you might have some unusual configuration on the
> system you are running OS X on. I ran OS X, the Public Beta version, on
> a beige G3 in my old school's publications computer lab. It did not have
> nearly the instability problems you describe, and it sounds like your
> speed issues are much more severe than what I saw on that machine. Which
> is vexing, because I was running it on a 266 with 96 MB RAM. By all
> rights, your system running X.1 ought to be MUCH faster. Is there any
> troubleshooting that I or others could help you with off-list?

I've read many complaints of CWPro 6 being slow under OS X, slower than
molasses in January, actually. This was fixed with CWPro 7, and I think that
Paul doesn't have this version yet...


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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