Sushi wrote not long ago (1/31/02 11:32 AM):
> I access a site with a Mac running NS and I get all the bells and
> whistles. I access that same site with my Newt, and get text and simple
> graphics tailored to my Newt. Likewise I acess the site via my Palm, and
> the same thing, the content is tailored to my Palm screen. All this
> would be done automatically.
> Now that would be cool. Especially now since many folks are starting to
> access the web via cell phones and PDA's such as the Treo.
This is indeed very possible. I do it on to serve a
special PDA page, just from accessing the main URL. (I do it with Apache
server-side scripting on; it's just as easy to do in IIS.)
Basically what you do is you evaluate the HTTP_USER_AGENT variable from the
client, and serve up a different version of the page based on the browser.
For my home page, I look for certain types of handheld browsers "Blazer",
"Newtscape", "Lunasuite", and "Eudora". If any of those browsers try to
access the site, they get a special "light" version of the page.
Unfortunately, the Newton browsers don't work so well. Nethopper doesn't
negotiate the multi-homing at my ISP properly, so all I get there is an
error page from my ISP. And I've never been able to get Newtscape running
properly :(. (I've done more testing on the Palm side of things... Sorry.)
If anybody would like my Apache scripts to do this kind of browser
detection, just let me know. (I can also provide IIS, but they're not
quivering at the ready like the Apache ones are.) I also use this to detect
different browsers and platforms for more traditional uses.
Best regards--
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