Re: [NTLK] having a problem with simple mail

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 15:29:42 EDT

On 22/07/02 00:17, "Dan" <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am having a problem with simple mail. I am using NIE 1.1 and simplemail
> 4.3. I have the simple mail package and the text stationary package
> installed. NIE connects without any problem but then simplemail says
> "looking for host" and just sits there. I see in the docs that it can't
> seem to find the host, well what I don't understand is it is that I am using
> the same exact settings for my desktop without problem. Same host, same
> name, password, the works. Any ideas?

Well, in order to find the host, if specified as "server.something", you
need to have a valid DNS, or domain name server, so that "server.something"
will resolve to an IP address, like It you haven't specified
what is the DNS address somewhere in NIE settings, that might explain while
SimpleMail is failing to find the host. As a test, you could try on your
desktop to find what's the exact IP address for the host, then use this
address in SimpleMail. Then, you would see if the DNS is a problem or not.
If SimpleMail can connect, then it's most likely a DNS problem, if not, then
I don't know, except that something would be missing in your configuration.


Laurent Daudelin                    Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae                   Washington, DC, USA
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case and paste n.: [from `cut and paste'] 1. The addition of a new feature
to an existing system by selecting the code from an existing feature and
pasting it in with minor changes. Common in telephony circles because most
operations in a telephone switch are selected using case statements. Leads
to software bloat. 

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