> I'm not to sure what you mean by 'binary protocol
> driver in GPSlite'
There are PCMCIA card GPSs which understand a binary protocol only. The
author of GPSmap, Gerd Staudenmeier, wrote a binary driver too but only for
one protocol and thus probably only for one type of GPS card :-(
>...but I know in the 'interface
> settings' of GPSlite the speed is set for 4800, no
> parity, Data bits =8, Stop Bits=1 and the GPS driver
> is NMEA 183. Not to sure what all this means of
> course!!!
This is perfect! NMEA 183 is the standard for the GPS protocol. It is a
definition of a set of output strings (and some input strings too) to
communicate with the GPS receiver. Basically dumps the GPS each second or
less often a string onto the serial line which starts with a $-sign followed
by ASCII characters and containing GPS information.
> If you like I can send you my Tokyo Map so you can
> start hosting. Once you get a bunch I'll gladly mirror
> your site. This is probably the easiest as I'll have
> to create a site from scratch and you already have
> one. (I'm so lazy.....).
Okay, send me your files but please as a zipped or better stuffed archive.
Archives do preserve much better the Macintosh file structure and I'll
probably receive the file with my W2k computer at work.
> ....maybe The newton
> supplies more power to the card. I know the GPS card
> drains the batteries quick in the pocket pc, where as
> the Newt lasts quit a long time.
I could be that the PocketPEECEE initialises the GPS receiver to low power
mode (self-protection of its accu ;-) and thus needs more TTFF (time to
first find). It could also be that the PocketPEECEE doesn't send the actual
date and time to the GPS receiver as GPSmap does and the receiver needs to
refresh its internal almanach according to the aquired satellites.
-- With best regards / Viele GruesseMarco Mailand http://slsbd.psi.ch/timing http://slsbd.psi.ch/~mmailand https://www.paypal.com/refer/pal=YYD3VUXUVD2YG
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