Re: [NTLK] GPS, Maps, PC/CF card

From: Philip Lord (
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 00:37:00 EDT

I'll make a 'self extracting Compact pro' file (is
this ok?) of the map and send it to you tonight.



--- Marco Mailand <> wrote:
> > I'm not to sure what you mean by 'binary protocol
> > driver in GPSlite'
> There are PCMCIA card GPSs which understand a binary
> protocol only. The
> author of GPSmap, Gerd Staudenmeier, wrote a binary
> driver too but only for
> one protocol and thus probably only for one type of
> GPS card :-(
> >...but I know in the 'interface
> > settings' of GPSlite the speed is set for 4800, no
> > parity, Data bits =8, Stop Bits=1 and the GPS
> driver
> > is NMEA 183. Not to sure what all this means of
> > course!!!
> This is perfect! NMEA 183 is the standard for the
> GPS protocol. It is a
> definition of a set of output strings (and some
> input strings too) to
> communicate with the GPS receiver. Basically dumps
> the GPS each second or
> less often a string onto the serial line which
> starts with a $-sign followed
> by ASCII characters and containing GPS information.
> > If you like I can send you my Tokyo Map so you can
> > start hosting. Once you get a bunch I'll gladly
> mirror
> > your site. This is probably the easiest as I'll
> have
> > to create a site from scratch and you already have
> > one. (I'm so lazy.....).
> Okay, send me your files but please as a zipped or
> better stuffed archive.
> Archives do preserve much better the Macintosh file
> structure and I'll
> probably receive the file with my W2k computer at
> work.
> > ....maybe The newton
> > supplies more power to the card. I know the GPS
> card
> > drains the batteries quick in the pocket pc, where
> as
> > the Newt lasts quit a long time.
> I could be that the PocketPEECEE initialises the GPS
> receiver to low power
> mode (self-protection of its accu ;-) and thus needs
> more TTFF (time to
> first find). It could also be that the PocketPEECEE
> doesn't send the actual
> date and time to the GPS receiver as GPSmap does and
> the receiver needs to
> refresh its internal almanach according to the
> aquired satellites.
> --
> With best regards / Viele Gruesse
> Marco Mailand
> --
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