Try this:
When the battery isn't working, power it up using reset and then open Extras.
There should be some status text underneath the battery meter on the right.
If it says "Fault" there then there's probably some flaky wiring in your
battery or elsewhere.
Just had this happen with the second 2100 I got - the battery is toast. The
Newton tries to do the pre-charge, and then stops with an error, and then the
battery status changes to Fault. Most likely I have a dead cell.
-- Victor
Original Message:
From: T.
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 07:08:08 -0700
Subject: [NTLK] eMate non-charging Issues....
Hi all,
I bought the screw driver as needed & have checked the wires to the
battery - all look snug. Here is the issue:
Sometimes the eMate charges up fine & the battery works great, etc.
(all normal)
Sometimes I put it on the charger & it will sit there for days or
weeks without recharge. The amber light remains on. The unit simply
sits there dead. If I turn it on, it won't. I am forced to hit the
reset a few times to get it to come up. Then it says that there was a
power loss hence the reset.
What's up with it? Battery's level is good. Charger is great. I use
it or 1 of my 3 others on it interchangeably without issue. (I have a
MP110, 120, 2100). There are no PC cards in it. There is the upgrade
in it. But that is not a problem. The unit functions great normally -
except when charging issues begin. Then all is dead.
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