Re: [NTLK] eMate non-charging Issues....

From: T. (
Date: Mon Jun 10 2002 - 16:37:54 EDT

Ironic enough the battery is always working fine - it is that the
unit, once fully charged, keeps on charging. It then knocks itself
out & locks up the unit, requiring me to reset it. But battery is all
good & well. Robert pegged it - I think - it is a charging issue -
will be getting the new OS for it & hope it resolves. Will let you
all know soon.


At 11:01 AM -0400 6/10/02, wrote:
>Try this:
>When the battery isn't working, power it up using reset and then open Extras.
>There should be some status text underneath the battery meter on the right.
>If it says "Fault" there then there's probably some flaky wiring in your
>battery or elsewhere.
>Just had this happen with the second 2100 I got - the battery is toast. The
>Newton tries to do the pre-charge, and then stops with an error, and then the
>battery status changes to Fault. Most likely I have a dead cell.
>-- Victor
>Original Message:
>From: T.
>Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 07:08:08 -0700
>Subject: [NTLK] eMate non-charging Issues....
>Hi all,
>I bought the screw driver as needed & have checked the wires to the
>battery - all look snug. Here is the issue:
>Sometimes the eMate charges up fine & the battery works great, etc.
>(all normal)
>Sometimes I put it on the charger & it will sit there for days or
>weeks without recharge. The amber light remains on. The unit simply
>sits there dead. If I turn it on, it won't. I am forced to hit the
>reset a few times to get it to come up. Then it says that there was a
>power loss hence the reset.
>What's up with it? Battery's level is good. Charger is great. I use
>it or 1 of my 3 others on it interchangeably without issue. (I have a
>MP110, 120, 2100). There are no PC cards in it. There is the upgrade
>in it. But that is not a problem. The unit functions great normally -
>except when charging issues begin. Then all is dead.
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