> I have a few networking questions. First off, does anyone know of any
> good utilities for dignosing/troubleshooting network problems? I am
> looking to use my Newt to troubleshoot data connections at work and I need
> to be able to determine if a data jack is active...the ability to browse
> our appletalk network would be great as well.
I use my MP2k1 as it is to do exactly what you want. The built-in "chooser"
or printer selection dialog is completely sufficient for me to know whether
a jack is active or not. Even in our Linux/Windows dominated network the
Newton shows at least something.
> I have tried different network cables, different data jacks,
> and even different network cards (one WaveLan and one Ethernet), and tried
> the cards successfully in another computer, so I think the problem is the
> Newt. Anyone have any ideas?
You symptoms sound very familiar to me: every second time reliable
connection and sometimes full crashes. I had exactly this as I tried another
network card in my Newton. Beside my Farallon PN895 I checked out a 3Com
thing from a friend and my Newton started to act up like yours. Finally I
found that having two ethernet card drivers installed at the same time and
both are activated was the very likely reason of all problems. Somehow the
other driver messed up the settings of the farallon card and nothing was
working at all in the end. I had to brain wipe my Newton and do a fresh
installation of all software. Your problem will be that you can't b/u before
brain wiping, I think. To get the functionality of your ethernet back you
should erase the second ethernet card driver as well as some soups under the
storage tab in extras as following:
1. everything related to network data storage: InetHTTP transfer trans &
Internet DNS cache
2. ethernet/internet settings: Internet Setups (Attention, you'll have to
re-enter your settings!)
3. if all that didn't help, erase the owners and worksite cards too. How?
Move all names to a card by tapping on the filing button in the names soup.
This will move all names cards to the removable memory but leave the owner
and worksite cards in the internal memory. Then remove the card and erase
the names soup (You'll have to re-enter at least one owner and worksite.)
All this should you enable to b/u via ethernet. Eventually you'll have to
re-install your ethernet card driver too but this should be no big deal.
Good luck!
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