* Sushi <Sushi_at_ragingbull.com> on Tue, 18 Jun 2002
| First time that I heard this.
| What is the source for your comment?
MS-DOS version 1.0. Grepping through the binaries shows the CP/M copyright
It went like this. In the late 1970s, Tim Patterson (Seattle Software
Works?) paid Digital Research for a source license to CP/M. He turned it
into "QDOS", his "quick and dirty operating system". It was CP/M ported to
16-bit processors like the 8086. Microsoft (aka Traf-O-Data) bought QDOS
from Patterson in 1981 and sold it to IBM as MS-DOS, without permission
from Digital Research.
All of which makes Bill Gates and Paul Allen (Microsoft's founders) the
most successful software pirates in history.
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