Re: [NTLK] NIMH AA battery level

From: Johannes Wolf (
Date: Wed Jun 19 2002 - 04:36:07 EDT

I forgot to add to my last post:
I also used an original battry pack for the MP120.
Looking to the type of cells in it:
VARTA NiMH 1100 mAh
I used absolutely the same type as single cells.

Regarding overheating:
if a cell is damaged it is getting hot even with the normal C/10 charging
current. The power adapter for the MP12 is not capable to deliver too high
So the overheating that was reported might well have to do with using an
improper power adaptor.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of James Elliott
> Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 6:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] NIMH AA battery level
> I've heard of people who have used NiMHs for years with no problems,
> but I've also heard of overheating problems when recharging NiMHs in
> a 1x0. Somewhere there were some pictures of the back of a 120 that
> had been melted when the NiMHs overheated. I'd weigh the risks
> carefully if I were you.
> -James
> >Nope, thats not true,
> >I used 1200mAh NiMH cells in my MP120 for 2 years without having any
> >problem.
> >
> >Johannes
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