Re: [NTLK] Battery cages

From: Keith and Sharon Isley (
Date: Wed Jun 19 2002 - 22:21:31 EDT

Those sound like the AA battery cages for the Newton 2X00 series. I have one
loaded with AA's just in case of emergency. They go in the same spot as the
2X00's rechargeable, only with different contact points.

Based on what I've seen on eBay, a dollar apiece is an absolute steal.


> Around the turn of the year I was at a computer reseller in the Seattle, WA.
> , USA, area. They had a huge bin of little plastic parts that were for the
> Newton that looked like they held four batteries. "Apple" and "Newton"
> were on the package labels, and the sign said "For Apple Newtons." The
> cost was a dollar each.

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