Hi Matze, I live in Wuerzburg. It's true, I am known to eBay as "iOperate" and no, I am NOT the guy who won the auction.
Regards, Darius.
crackman.dyndns.org (powered by MP2100)
All your Newton are belong to us
>Hi Chris,
>there is a newton-jpg at the site. Newt-screen shows Darius' name. Is this
>Darius from Duesseldorf? The one who is member of the garden-stammtisch?
>Best, Matze
>>Robert Benschop wrote:
>>> so who is 'huop' (the winning bidder) and more important, is he/she
>>> on this list ?
>>All I know is that they are from Germany -- since EBay gave me the "German
>>priacy laws prevent us from showing you this information" when I tried to
>>other things that they had bid on.
>If you ask me, it's most likely the guy that otherwise goes by the name
>"ioperate" and, yes, he's probably familiar to most of you as the guy who
>runs the Newt webpage www.newtenlightment.de off of a Newton 2100 as
>server and posts occasional information on this to the list. (He seems to
>bid on a lot of Newton stuff on ebay to later auction it off for a higher
>price in Germany. But this isn't criticism. I've also bid on and bought
>something from him and was glad he had it available.)
>Chris Searles
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