I use a free form database called Zoot for this very task. It can be
downloaded from www.zootsoftware.com <http://www.zootsoftware.com>
> Date: Fri 21-Jun-2002 18:57
> To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net (Newtontalk)
> From: jonglass_at_mac.com (No Name)
> Subject: RE: [NTLK] Archiving
> on 6/20/02 11:24 PM, Robert Benschop at rbenschop_at_mac.com wrote:
> > Or a cheaper version would be to export them to your desktop.
> > (if you have one, of course ;-)
> I do that, and then deleted all the notes from the Newton. So far,
> I've seen pluses and minuses. On the desktop, it's harder to find
> what you want than it is on the Newton. There have been many times
> that I wished I had kept something on the Newton. The plus is that
> when my Newton got stolen, having just done an archive, I still had
> all my important notes. :-) When I got my replacement, the most
> important notes went back onto the Newton, and they are still there
> to this day--three Newtons later. :-)
> I think that maybe better than exporting to a text file, finding some
> form of free-form database to store them might work better. I've
> thought of putting them all in a Hypercard stack, but so far, haven't
> had the oomph to get it going--and it's been about four or five years
> since my first archive. -- -Jon Glass Krakow, Poland
> <mailto:jonglass_at_usa.net> <mailto:glasshaus5_at_aol.com> "They that can
> give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve
> neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin
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