I am not entirely certain but I do think that there is
an option to "file" sent messages if you select your
"mail" folder as the one to file to then after you
send the e-mail from inbox it will be auto-filed into
you "mail" folder. I said I am not certain 'cause I
do remember whether it was a pref of EPro or the
Outbox or Simplemail(on my newt that is)
try searching through both progs prefs.
--- Jon Glass <jonglass_at_mac.com> wrote:
> on 6/29/02 10:21 PM, Jim Witte at
> jswitte_at_bloomington.in.us wrote:
> > This is the first time I've used Eudora to actuall
> compose mail,
> > and I'm a bit confused..
> The Eudora stationery is merely that--stationery in
> the Notepad. It's
> designed to simplify the addressing of email. In
> other words, you don't have
> to wait until you mail in order to address it. The
> outbox is merely what it
> says--a holding tray until it's sent. The default of
> the outbox is to delete
> items once they have been sent. Everything that you
> can transport in the
> Newton goes through the outbox--email, faxes,
> printing, beams, Twerx, etc.
> Since the Outbox is supposed to be transitory, it's
> not intended to be a
> filing mechanism. You should use your notes for
> that, if you wish to archive
> or keep a record of email you sent. I suppose I
> would also recommend using
> Notes to store received emails you wish to keep,
> rather than the inbox. You
> don't need to use the Eudora stationery. It merely
> makes addressing simpler.
> --
> -Jon Glass
> Krakow, Poland
> <mailto:jonglass_at_usa.net>
> <mailto:glasshaus5_at_aol.com>
> --
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