Re: [NTLK] Sorry!!!! (was Harry Potter books)

From: Samuel Jacobson (
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 23:48:08 EST

> [Original Message]
> From: DON <>
> To: <>
> Date: 2/28/02 11:37:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Harry Potter books
> > That should be fine. It really isn't any different than if you bought
a CD
> > and burned another copy just for backup. As long as you own a copy
it's ok.
> > Chances are, the 1st book is lighter than your newton would be, but I
> > haven't weighed. All the books are really good for anyone. Enjoy.
> Here we go again...
> It is different, if you have a prescription for Vallium, is it legal to
> the drug on the street corner from some guy in a back alley? You have a
> prescription, what difference does it make where you get the drug? In
> words, the books have no right to be reproduced for the public to
> Does this person have distribution rights to the books? It's illegal but
> this context it's probably more an ethics/moral issue.
> Enjoy the books :-),
> ©Don

 Sorry, folks, it appears my question has gotten a bit out of hand (no
offense but I would think that drugs take it a little far (although books
can be addictive! :-) )... Much like claiming that everyone who runs down
to the photo machine to make a copy should be charged with violating
copyright laws, even though they generally are for reproducing published
works. At least in my field it would mean that everyone would be in trouble
for we have to makes copies of material, such as journal papers).

  I apologize for opening up the OT "can of worms" on the group...




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