On 08/03/02 12:42, "eric engle" <engleerica_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
> I would like to ask whether there is any way for a
> newton book to be read on a palm? I know that Steve
> Weyer has an extension for newtscape which lets it
> read palm books - but what I would like to do (if
> possible) is the other way - to have a newtonbook
> readable on a palm. I doubt that it is possible but if
> there is a way or hints I would really appreciate it.
Since I use a Newton in 1993, I've never heard of such a thing, sorry...
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae mailto:Laurent_Daudelin_at_fanniemae.com Washington, DC, USA ********************** Usual disclaimers apply ********************** benchmark n.: [techspeak] An inaccurate measure of computer performance. "In the computer industry, there are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and benchmarks." Well-known ones include Whetstone, Dhrystone, Rhealstone (see h), the Gabriel LISP benchmarks (see gabriel), the SPECmark suite, and LINPACK. See also machoflops, MIPS, smoke and mirrors.-- Read the List FAQ/Etiquette: http://www.newtontalk.net/faq.html Read the Newton FAQ: http://www.guns-media.com/mirrors/newton/faq/ This is the NewtonTalk mailing list - http://www.newtontalk.net
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