Re: [NTLK] Browser choice....

From: Steve Weyer (
Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 08:51:05 EST

> From: Jeremy Bond Shepherd <>
> Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 14:11:00 -0800
> FYI, there is a "mobile" version of Yahoo! Mail that is intended to work
> with PDAs.

thx for pointing this out -- I wasn't aware of it.

> However, I have not been able to successfully get it to work
> with Newt's Cape.
> Here's what happens:
> 1. Browse to

> 2. Tap "Mail".
> 3. Respond to the authentication prompts. (Yahoo! seems at this point to
> have successfully authenticated.) A series of links to each of your
> predefined Yahoo! Mail folders will be displayed.
> 4. Tap on "Inbox". You're returned to the main mobile page displayed after
> step 1.
> I notice that after step 3, when you get a list of your folders, if I "View
> Document Source" I see each box has a tag "<a href="/raw?dp=mail&" and a
> few other parameters, including the mailbox name. But when I tap on the
> link in Newt'sCape, it uses only part of the URL up to "/raw?dp" and
> everything else is truncated. Obviously Yahoo! Mail needs the parameters to
> indicate which mailbox to access, and without them, it's dumping you back
> to the menu page.
> Any idea why Newt'sCape is truncating the URL after the "/raw?dp"?
> Something about that equals sign causing problems?

the basic problem is that Yahoo is using malformed (ambiguous) HTML on that
page. according to official HTML specs, attribute values should be
surrounded by " or '

the Newt's Cape parser would handle properly:
...<a href="/raw?dp=mail&fdr=Inbox&pdadid=%deviceid"

it would also handle simple values w/o " that are delimited by space or >
e.g., ... width=100 height=200>
(so Newt's Cape tries to be a little forgiving with common illegal usage)

however, if the value is more complex, and the page omits the ", e.g.,
<br><br><a href=/raw?dp=mail&fdr=Inbox&pdadid=%deviceid>Check Mail</a><br>

then the (embedded) = characters are parsed (incorrectly) as delimiters for
attribute values.

my suggestion is that you ask Yahoo nicely to fix their pages to use HTML
that conforms to the specs.

I could try to kludge Newt's Cape to be even more forgiving and try to make
sense out of random garbage HTML -- but I'm very reluctant to do so since
it's highly likely that I'd break something else (for some other pages)

Newton apps/tools: Newt's Cape, newtVNC, NewtDevEnv, Sloup, Crypto,...

-- Steve

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