Re: [NTLK] A little help please with Palm Desktop 2.6

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 16:13:41 EST

On 14/03/02 16:09, "David Golden" <> wrote:

> I wrote earlier, but I think I expressed my situation poorly, so I'm gonna
> try again. I want to be able to export date/ calendar info from Palm Desktop
> 2.6 to my MP2100 dates. I'm not talking about true synching back and forth,
> just being able to check my schedule as I perform other tasks on my Newt. I
> was able to copy and export names from my desktop to my Newt ( although they
> looked a little out of kilter ), so shouldn't I be able to do something
> similar with dates?

I think that some people should be able to provide you with step by step
instructions on how to do this. The Palm desktop application is the old
Claris Organizer. Now, if you look in NCU, in the synchronize section,
you'll see that there is a translator for it. So, it's pretty
straightforward to sync between a Palm and a Newton 2.x. It wouldn't matter
whether you want to do this only one time or sync back and forth.


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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