On 3/15/02 11:05 AM, "Laurent Daudelin" <laurent_daudelin_at_fanniemae.com>
> On 15/03/02 09:31, "Loren Finkelstein" <Loren_at_Finkelstein.Net> wrote:
>> On 3/15/02 2:17 AM, "Laurent Daudelin" <nemesys_at_cox.rr.com> wrote:
>>> on 14/03/02 20:52, Jim Johnston at jimthej_at_mac.com wrote:
>>>> For Laurent and others:
>>>> Playing with GeekSafe earlier today I found the export to notepad
>>>> function. Really cool. How difficult would it be to add a function for
>>>> importing from the notepad?
>>> Much, much harder. A note in the Notepad being a free form text entry, we
>>> would need a very smart parser in order to get the data in. I see where you
>>> coming with that, but, unfortunately, I don't think I have enough time to do
>>> that. Specially since the most requested feature is the ability to encrypt
>>> the data on the store.
>>> -Laurent.
>> How about, instead of importing from the notepad, using something similar to
>> "DragNDrop Names. It's too late for me now, but it would have been a much
>> easier conversion process if I could have selected text from the notepad and
>> just dragged it onto a Geeksafe window. Especially since 99% of the time it
>> was pre-formatted on 3 lines. Server, Username & Password.
> What is "DragNDrop Names"???
A phenomenal freeware extension from http://tow.com/software/newton.shtml
Essentially, if you have a note in the following format:
Loren Finkelstein
123 Main Street
New York, NY 11111
Select it as one block of text
Drag it to the side of your newton (cut, or copy)
Open the names App
Drop your selection anywhere
A new name card gets created with the correct data going into the correct
fields. Also works with companies.
This is particularly handy if, when you meet someone, you jot their info
down into a note, which can be faster than creating a name card on the spot.
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