on 3/15/02 5:37 PM, Loren Finkelstein at Loren_at_Finkelstein.Net wrote:
> Select it as one block of text
> Drag it to the side of your newton (cut, or copy)
Hmph. I didn't know you could drop from the clipboard. I always have a time,
opening names, changing it to card view, and then back to notes, to make
sure that the hilited text shows above the names app when in the background!
hmph. Thanks so much for this new bit of information. I'm just miffed that I
never tried that before, or that I never read this in the documentation
anywhere... :-)
-- Jon Glass Krakow, Poland <jonglass_at_usa.net> <glasshaus5_at_aol.com>"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them." --Mark Twain-- Read the List FAQ/Etiquette: http://www.newtontalk.net/faq.html Read the Newton FAQ: http://www.guns-media.com/mirrors/newton/faq/ This is the NewtonTalk mailing list - http://www.newtontalk.net
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