Someone posted a replacement to GeekSafe that encrypted the data. I=20
searched the archives and can not remember who it was or what the=20
program is called.
Anyone still have that message, or remember what the program was? If=20
someone is *really* nice and would e-mail it to me, I would forever be=20=
in their debt (or at least for 10 minutes). Otherwise, I just need a=20
program name, and I'm pretty sure I can find it.
Thanks all,
Benjamin Higginbotham
"I sense much NT in you, NT leads to Blue Screen.=A0
Blue Screen leads to downtime, downtime leads to suffering.=A0
NT is the path to the darkside."
- Unknown Unix Jedi
DC2.Dw Gm L W T Phwlt Sks Cag^\bl^ B- A++ Fr^ Nw M++
O H Ff R+++ Ac+++! J+++ S+++ U-- I--# V Q Tc+++! E
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