Ed... I just caught your post on the iPOD site regarding "The Best PDA",
and more specifically someone's incredulity that the NewtonOS was listed as
one of the choices. I must say that your response was brilliant! Very
nicely done!
Yet, in regards to the survey in generally, I also was getting an error
when I tried to vote for the Newton. As such I periodically tried to send
in my vote, yet I saw others here state that they felt the vote was still
counting even with the error. I do hope that is correct, yet I sincerely
hope that only one of my votes counted as I did not mean to bias the survey
in any way! I tried to find a link or a "contact us" for the people who run
the site to tell them what may have happened yet I did not see one. Does
anyone know how to get in touch with them?
Sam J.
Always remember, "Ad astra per aspera"...
Lab. Telephone (via Dr. Susan Bell): 813-974-5420
Department of Biology
University of South Florida
SCA 110
4202 East Fowler Avenue
Tampa, Florida, 33620
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