[NTLK] 1-D-Link DFE-650; 2-Weird NCU Error Msg

From: iB??k (spilk_at_mac.com)
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 12:20:19 EST


1-Anyone know why the "F" in DFE-650 should preclude a connection with a
MP 2100? The DFE-650 is as close to the DE-650 as I could find. It's not
working with the Atlan 8 driver. Newton doesn't recognize the card.

I spoke too soon of my success installing with Keyspan Adapter OS X
Driver and NewTen. Beginner's luck. In twenty plus tries installing
Nethopper it would get as low as 10 and high as 90% complete and then quit.

2- So, after that I tried installing Nethopper in OS 9 w/ NCU 1.0 and got
a message "Your model of Newton (a MP 2100) cannot connect with this
version of the desktop application".

If anyone can shed any light on either of these areas will apprecaiate
it. Thanks much!


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