Here's my story...
In 1998 I took a job with a company as a software engineer. The company had
just gone through a huge downsizing, laying off 50% of the Executives and
staff. I set up shop in my office which had been clean out (mostly).
Someone inadvertently left in my desk a Newton 2100. I thought it was cool,
so I invested the effort to learn what the heck it was and how to use it.
After about 3 months I was hooked (I mean really hooked). A year or two
later, my touchscreen and LCD died and I innocently went shopping for
something to replace the Newt. The Newt had been axed of course so I ended
up buying a WindowsCE handheld. After about a month of trying to get
functionality on par with my old Newton, I gave up...sold it on USENET.
Then I tried:
- A Jornada 630 handheld...lasted a couple of months...sold it on
- A Jornada PocketPC....lasted a couple of months...sold it on
- A Psion Revo....lasted a couple of months....sold it on Ebay
- A Psion Series7.....lasted a couple of months...sold it on Ebay
- A Fujitsu PenCentra close, but yet so far...still have
it in a drawer somewhere
Finally, I came to my senses and purchased a like new 2100 from MacEasy.
I'm happy again.
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