Re: [NTLK] newton in marketing literature

From: Joel M. Sciamma (
Date: Fri Mar 22 2002 - 17:32:12 EST

> if there is/are any other scientific/marketing publication/s that refer to
> or analyse the newton business case, please let me know! i might be
> interested in writing something myself at a later point...

Don Norman (ex Apple Fellow and around at the time of Newton) wrote a book
called The Invisible Computer and mentions some reasons for its demise.

However, the reasons he gives are not consistent with his own appreciation
(and criticisms) of Palm so I'm not sure how seriously they should be taken.

I have a lot of time for the research that he has done into usability and
much that he has written is of importance but on Newton I think he has a
blind spot.

I'm away from home so I cannot give you more details but his web site is:



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