Not to start a platform flamefest here, but this sounds mightily like why
PC users are so much more 'informed' about their computers than Mac users,
because the former must climb this horrendous mountain in order to use
them whereas Mac users simply get stuff done without having to worry about
how the thing was put together.
Obviously a huge series of exaggerations here, but, as with my desktop &
laptop, a palm-top device doesn't simplify my life much if I have to
expend a semester's worth of efforts just learning how to install files.
Again, not a comment directed towards anyone on the list, simply an
observation that using a computing device to do something should be
*easier* than not using one...
> OTOH, I think that encouraging newbies to learn to problem solve on their
> own is a *GOOD* thing, not laziness. Yes, there may be some folks on the
> list that need to rethink how they word such encouragement. But climbing
> the learning curve is not always easy or quick, and it can be frustrating,
> but the result is a much more thorough knowledge.
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