[NTLK] 2x00 battery woes - cleaning didn't help - suggestions wanted

From: Michael 'Mickey' Sattler (michael_at_GeekTimes.com)
Date: Fri May 03 2002 - 14:52:24 EDT

My UMP2K doesn't run from the old, original battery pack. When I
insert the pack the MP notices it, changes the state to Charging, and
a few minutes later changes it again to Charged. Yanking the power
cord plunges the machine into darkness.

Using what I thought were freshly-recharged NiMH AAs didn't work either.

I gently used 70 per cent alcohol on a long-handled cotton swab on
the four contacts I could see, to no avail.

I will try again with what I'm sure are freshly-charged NiMH AAs. Is
there anything that the readership can suggest to me? It may be that
there is something physically wrong with the charging portion of my
MP, but it was fine when I shut it down years ago. I'm not too loathe
to open it up, if necessary.

What ought I do next, or consider doing next?



Michael "Mickey" Sattler, Geek Times   <mailto:michael_at_GeekTimes.com>
San Francisco, California, USA    <http://www.GeekTimes.com/michael/>

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