That's amazing! I never pay additional fees for purchasing overseas
items except for when I'm traveling and I pay the merchant in one
currency and pay my account in another. I just purchased software from
the UK and paid over the web without any additional charges. Is this a
common practice for EU credit accounts?
>To prevent misunderstanding: This charge is not taken by GEM, but the credit
>card company will charge me personally. Since I don't want to pay this fee
>for everybody who will order something, I just mentioned it to let everyone
>know what additional charges there may be.
>> The extra charge for money transfer is accurate. Credit cards cost
>> merchants an extra 1-1.5% for overseas orders. They are actually not
>> permitted by credit card rules (MC/Visa) to require extra payments for
>> accepting a credit card from any source. They are supposed to bury all
>> these charges in their pricing.
>>> Hallo Everyone,
>>> I have been looking at the GEM offers. They seem nice, but if you look at
>>> the shipping it can be pretty high in the end (example: for the item 20$,
>>> shipping 9$ and for Europe additional actual shipping).
>>> I am trying to organize an bulk order for Germany, but I think I could
>>> reship to most Europe. I am trying to get shipping free from the US, and
>>> there would be an additional 1% or so for the money transfer (if anyone got
>>> a better idea how to transfer the money please contact me).
Mark Ross
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