Re: [NTLK] Help: WaveLan to Network to AppleTalk

From: Bernie A. Goltermann (
Date: Sun May 05 2002 - 14:41:39 EDT

> Jonathan Wise wrote:

> Has anyone tried this before? Anyone else have any sort of success
> connecting over AppleTalk with WLAN -- regardless of network architecture,
> I'd love to hear your experiences.

I finally got my setup to work. I'm able to connect to NCU using WLan
through an Airport Base Station to my G4 Desktop. But, if I try to
install anything it will seem to start the transfer and then eventually
time out. When I switch back to using my Ethernet card I have no
problems. SimpleMail seems to work well with our mail server running
Netscape Mail. Net Hopper also is working well behind corporate firewall.

I found out that there is an issue when trying to use Access Control.
The Alpha 2 and 3 won't work with it. It seems to want to but when
trying to do DNS resolution it fails if you have Access Control set up
on Base Station.

Don't think this helps you much though.


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