Ok a couple o questions here:
I picked up a 3com card yesterday, works just dandy with the Newt and I
am online and happy.
I want to be able to do backups with NCU via Ethernet. As per the
archives, this is not possible with windoze NCU.
So I have basilisk running OS8.1. I tried to download Mac NCU from unna,
but I am getting 'corrupt' disk images. I finally found an old version
of shrinkwrap and managed to get disks 2 and 3 into the proper format,
but disk 1 will not download properly in iCab. If I click on it
directly, it opens into a page with just garbled text. If I right-click
and select link>download it downloads but the file is unusable by
shrinkwrap [corrupt file, error -39 or something] am I missing an
important element here?
Also, I installed NDPS. Very cool, it worked right away. However, only
people on my college network can connect to my [private] IP. Is there a
way to 'mirror' my IP to a more public location?
Thanks for reading
>>scOtty teCHnoir
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