Same for me too. I keep thinking there is something simple that I missed,
but I can't seem to figure why it doesn't work...
On 5/8/02 8:22 PM, "Laurent Daudelin" <> wrote:
> on 08/05/02 22:49, Jesse Garnier at wrote:
>> Sounded great, but I'm sorry to report it doesn't work for me at all. Tried
>> a bunch of different settings, tried deleting and recreating a new worksite,
>> and all I get from the WaveLan card is two lights blinking together every
>> few seconds. Sigh... Back to alpha3 for now.
> Glad to hear that! I've been trying to configure the darn thing for about
> half an hour, since it now supports channel and network selection, but
> didn't have any luck, whether with NCU or NetHopper. I thought I was missing
> something obvious.
> Oh well, let's periodically check Hiroshi's web site... Still, I don't
> understand how he wouldn't have noticed that it doesn't work anymore...
> -Laurent.
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