Re: [NTLK] Thinking of Switching

From: Tony Kan (
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 17:43:21 EDT

For a start, you can back up all your data to Outlook using Lookout. And
there are new synchronisation programs coming out. See Bradley's earlier
emails. Even if the PC moved on and Outlook was no longer the most used
PIM, think about the thousands of people who have their data saved within
Outlook. There will always be tools for migrating information to the latest

As further signs that the platform is alive and well, I see people using the
device for MP3's, movies, internet surfing and email. There isn't a lot
else that the Palm and PocketPC devices aren't already doing that the Newton
can't do already.

The only thing I think I'm missing is a export to Excel from Pelicanware's
quickfigure spreadsheet.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Ermin Mistica
Sent: Sunday, 12 May 2002 6:28 p.m.
Subject: [NTLK] Thinking of Switching

My dear fellow Newtonians,

For the longest time I have considered switching over to a different
platform, either Palm or Pocket PC. Oh wait those are the only two platforms
left!!! I forget myself. I use my eMate for notetaking in classes, my MP
2100 for everything else. What has made me start thinking of the Dark Side?
I just need full compatibility with my PC or Mac. I love the fact that my MP
2100 can stand along but am just scared that one day it’ll conk. When Apple
finally comes out with something, I’ll be first in line but until then, I
can’t chance losing the over 300 notes, 1400 names, and months of
appointments on the Newton which does not readily transfer over in its
entirety to my computer for backup. What shall I do? I defer to the
Newtonian Council for guidance.


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