Re: [NTLK] alt.rec enhancements?

From: Jeremy Bond Shepherd (
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 18:15:23 EDT

>Thanks, but that doesn't help me. As I mentioned, I commonly do not close my
>"round letters" at the top. So, "g" is commonly interpretted as "y", "a" as
>"u", and other such things. Therefore, there isn't any expansion I can do to
>correct that on such a wide basis. Yes, I can fix the "Michiyun -> Michigan"
>thing, but I don't write Michigan that often (it was just my example word).
>However, almost everything I write is a dictionary word -- and what gets
>selected by the HWR is almost never a dictionary word. Therefore, if it did
>dictionary-matching-only (or, actually, dictionary-matching-first and then the
>drop-down would be the closest matches otherwise), I think my accuracy would
>go up a huge amount.

I agree... what you are asking for would indeed be a nice feature.

One workaround that IS available now though is Adam Tow's Corrector+.
It lets you define "global" replacements like y --> g (you can choose
beginning, middle, or end of the word, or complete word, or any
combination). You can tell it to automatically make the correction
whenever you write the trigger character/string, or to include the
replacement in the dropdown list when you double-tap. It still isn't
doing any dictionary validation of your word (which would be a nice
extra) but it should help you. I have the same types of problems, and
find that Corrector+ goes a long way towards improving my HWR

Find it at


Jeremy Bond Shepherd        |   "If I'm going to keep on visiting you,
San Francisco, CA           |   I'll have to send you some good sherry."
Internet:  |   -Lord Henry Wotton, in Oscar Wilde's
Phone 415-929-0297          |   THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY

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