on 12/05/02 19:36, Steven Stanley at basketbnewton_at_mac.com wrote:
> Can an MP 120 be used for receiving e-mail using simple mail or another
> program? I have had some limited success in receiving e-mail with Simple
> mail but it only works some of the time. I understand the problem is
> usually with the limited amount of heap on the 120 and have already
> eliminated things I don't use (Pocket Quicken, Newton tour, etc.) and am
> down to the packages that are built in and cannot be eliminated.
That's it. You pretty much answered the question yourself. There isn't much
you can do. Sometimes, if there are not too many messages, and they are not
too large, you'll be able to get them, if not, you won't...
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin <http://home.cox.rr.com/nemesys> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.rr.comC++ /C'-pluhs-pluhs/ n.: Designed by Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T Bell Labs as a successor to C. Now one of the languages of choice, although many hackers still grumble that it is the successor to either Algol 68 or Ada (depending on generation), and a prime example of second-system effect. Almost anything that can be done in any language can be done in C++, but it requires a language lawyer to know what is and what is not legal-- the design is almost too large to hold in even hackers' heads. Much of the cruft results from C++'s attempt to be backward compatible with C. Stroustrup himself has said in his retrospective book "The Design and Evolution of C++" (p. 207), "Within C++, there is a much smaller and cleaner language struggling to get out." [Many hackers would now add "Yes, and it's called Java" --ESR]
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